Today she is "The Second Grader"!!
Boo will begin Pre-K after the labor day holiday. That will be a whole other post!! Be on the look out!!
So with the start of a brand new school year, comes the never ending grueling schedules of soccer practices, games, dance lessons, homework, insanity checks & moments of sheer panic because I forgot to dress Boo in his 'western' attire for hoe down day, OR God forbid... I forgot to replenish Rilye's lunch account and she will have to suffer through the day with a peanut butter sandwich!! Ahh the school parents don't we love it so?? For my birthday this year, babe (that is Big Brandon..notice how no-one goes by their real names in our house) gave me a wonderful book called "Good Enough Mother". This book is going to be my saving grace. Let me quote a excerpt from the wise words of Rene Syler..the good enough mother!
I can sooo relate to this quote, I swear it could be Boo .... "....or how to respond when my son comes running into my bedroom, claiming to be a new kind of superhero, with his jammie bottoms and briefs adorning his head, shrieking, "Mom! Mom! When I fart, underwear comes shooting out- because I'm UNDERWEAR MAN!"
.... But my favorite quote so far is ... "I do know what I'm doing most of the time-and I'm good enough at doing it". You know what? They are still alive & thank the good LORD with all limbs still attached.... and I think very well adjusted children. Easy tempered or hot tempered, they are well mannered, lil' beings that are conforming nicely to societies expectations..
So, I will leave you with... slow down, don't stress. They love us no matter what!